My new website is available at:
Update: August 2020
I will graduate soon, and won’t be updating this website anymore.
I am a PhD student in the Computer Science Department at the Technion. I am fortunate to be advised by Prof. Keren Censor-Hillel.
I am interested in theoretical computer science, especially distributed graph algorithms. My main focus is studying approximation algorithms and lower bounds for connectivity and distance related problems, such as finding minimum k-edge-connected subgraphs or spanners. See also my dblp page.
I spent summer 2018 in ETH Zurich, hosted by Prof. Mohsen Ghaffari.
Prior to my graduate studies, I obtained a BSc in Mathematics with Computer Science from the Technion, summa cum laude.
Contact information:
Mail: smichald at
Office: Taub 222, Computer Science Department, Technion